Document Management and Collaborative Workflow
Content Management will never be the same!
TopMedia Social NED
Enterprise Document Platform
The engine behind all the document content management solutions created by Top Consult is the TopMedia Social NED Enterprise Document Platform, available On-Premise or in Cloud through a proprietary IT infrastructure.
The fully virtualized platform provides unlimited and scalable levels of computing power, while ensuring high Security, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery rates.
Top Consult also provides its customers with outsourcing services for B2B and B2G Electronic Invoicing, Order management via NSO and law compliant digital preservation. Top Consult is AGID accredited, has ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 certifications and is a PEPPOL certified provider for the exchange of IT documents in XML-UBL format.
Content Management will never be the same!

With Top Consult Document Management, paper and pen disappear! This is the easiest first step that a Company can take to make its reality more environmentally friendly.

Smart Working
The TopMedia Social NED document platform, available on PC, tablet and mobile, has all the features that ensure 24/7 smart working
The opinion

TopMedia Social NED rests on 4 fundamental pillars
COMPLIANT with domestic regulations
The platform, compliant with Italian legislation, is designed to ensure document management according to the law. Top Consult is the pioneer of document preservation, offering training and consultancy to comply with the legislation.
Powerful and scalable ENTERPRISE architecture
Italian enterprise-class document platform, powerful and scalable even under high load conditions, with tens of millions of documents and thousands of simultaneous user accesses. Native load balancing and fault tolerance features ensure high reliability.
SMART user interface featuring SOCIAL functions
Simple and intuitive, equipped with social functions, it is aimed to the specific needs of the user. Easy to use as a smartphone, usable on all clients, from PC to Web and Mobile via native Apps, on-premise or on the cloud, it stretches the use of document management to managers and mobile workers as well.
Innovative COLLABORATIVE solutions
Takes a decisive step towards Social Business, a new business organization system focused on collaborative and networking relations; with new Groupware solutions for corporate collaboration as an effective alternative to emails
Systems becomes collaborative and users smarter

With the Collaborative Workflow, SocialFlow as we call it in Top Consult, the user is always involved and informed, interacts with other users and processes actively, and always has an overview of all the processes in which he is involved.
Social Flow integrates the features of both Case Flow and Workflow software modules. The first is designed for collaborative management of files and the second for collaborative automation of document flows. In the case of highly complex processes, the possibility of automatically integrating cases with document flows greatly simplifies the way users work. At the end of a document flow, for instance, a file can be automatically opened by archiving the documents in it. On the other hand, by archiving a document in a file, a document flow can be automatically triggered.